Scientific publication is a continuum, from unrefereed preprints to refereed reprints, to revisions, commentaries, and replies. All this is optimally done electronically, as “Scholarly Skywriting.” Stevan Harnad, 1990.
With a view to promoting open access to scholarly research in the area of ‘public policy’, the Global Library and the Jindal School of Government and Public Policy have collaborated to establish an interoperable online platform called PreServe, specifically designed to host preprints and working papers on ‘public policy’.
Currently, PreServe accepts preprints and working papers only from the scholars at JGU. Efforts are underway to transform PreServe into a global preprint server for public policy research, allowing researchers from around the world to submit their preprints, and positioning PreServe as a prominent member among the league of preprint servers.
How to deposit your preprints in PreServe?
- Register yourself here
- Loging with your credentials.
- Submit your preprints
The submitted preprints will undergo a streamlined moderation process by the editorial team. Upon acceptance, each preprint will be assigned a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI).