Only the members (present students, faculty, scholars and admin staff) of the Global Library can borrow from the books from the library.

See this privilege matrix for more information ->>.

CategoryItemsBorrowing limitDuration (Days)Overdue charges in Rs per day
FacultyPrint book 30 60 0
CD/DVD2 2 0
Phd ScholarsPrint book15 30 1
CD/DVD 1 2 5
MastersPrint book10 30 1
CD/DVD 1 2 5
UndergradPrint book8 30 1
CD/DVD 1 2 5
Moot Court SocietyPrint book15 30 1
Research associatesPrint book 10 30 0
CD/DVD 1 2 5
Admin staffPrint book 5 30 0
CD/DVD 1 2 0