The Global Library automatically enrolls JGU’s students, professors, and researchers as members. The library staff updates member records in the Integrated Library System (ILS) using data from the Admissions, Human Resources, and Research departments. Additionally, the RFID-enabled ID card provided by JGU stores member information.

Your JGU-provided email ID ( will serve as your login ID for the ILS. With this ID, you can borrow books using the RFID kiosk in the Global Library. Also, you can get a dashboard for your transactions.

Members are advised to set their password using the ‘Forgot your password‘ option in the ILS. We recommend choosing a four-digit PIN (e.g., 2389) as your password, as this facilitates easy QR code-based transactions (borrowing/returning books) at the RFID kiosk in the Library.

For assistance with setting up your account, please contact the library staff at the help desk on the 3rd Floor of the Shajan Jindal Academic Block.